速報APP / 地圖與導航 / Maine State Parks map!

Maine State Parks map!



檔案大小:4.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Maine State Parks map!(圖1)-速報App

State Parks are perfect places to have un-limited fun. One can find multiple options for many recreational opportunities to perform. We are glad to provide this app. to explore the state park.

We provide state park information such as, State Park Name, Latitude & Longitude, Address, Activities or Things to do including park locations on the map.

Simple user interface.

Map GPS location support.

Search nearby POI’s like Campgrounds, RV’s, Picnic Areas, etc., on map.

Maine State Parks map!(圖2)-速報App

Insert un-limited photo tagged markers.

Find any location address on map.

Draw routes on map by hand and get distances.

Email favorites.

Multiple map types (Streets, Hybrid, Satellite).

Maine State Parks map!(圖3)-速報App

Enjoy un-limited fun with your family, kids, friends & dear ones.

Maine State Parks map!(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad